• Séminaires,

Séminaire Production Cinématographique et Transculturation

Publié le 28 novembre 2022 Mis à jour le 15 juin 2023
le 2 décembre 2022

Séminaire co-organisé par Création Collective au Cinéma

Séminaire CinEcoSA 2022-2023

Production Cinématographique et Transculturation

- Saison 2 -
« Prior relationships, Homophily and New Collective Identities in Transcultural Idea and Script Development »

La séance sera conduite par Rosamund DAVIES.

Film and television production rely on established networks and prior relationships (see e.g Grugulis and Stoyanova 2012, Friedman and Laurison 2019). Those embarking on a collaborative project to develop an idea for television and staff a writers’ room, will tend to seek out people to work with that they know, or who know people that they know. Where this is not possible, they will tend to fall back on homophily (Wreyford 2018), that is to say, they will be drawn to work with people like them, who share a similar background, the same cultural references and so on. These interlinked networks of shared history, recommendation and common identity are the age old techniques that humans use to ensure the trust and understanding that is the foundation of collaborative work. 

Présentation complète du séminaire : ICI
Le séminaire se tient en visioconférence.Le lien pour s’inscrire : https://forms.gle/wQpvn1FnypUNqyQF6